How Are You Doing with Hydration?


Have you ever given thought to how important staying hydrated is?  We take water to drink for granted for many of us, yet a considerable percentage of our population fails to consume the recommended.

Consider for a moment that our bodies are 70% water, our blood 90%, and our planet is even around 71% water. 

Our cells and organs need water to function properly. Water is essential for our kidneys to operate, for our skin to stay wrinkle-free, aids in lubricating our joints, protect our spinal cord, regulates body temperatures, and aids the passage of food through the intestines, in turn, keeps constipation away.

So many of the things we do each day, breathing, urinating, and sweating, deplete the water in the body.

While eating food with high water content or drinking liquids like juice is helpful, the best source is clean, pure water.  While studies vary on ideal, it depends on how active you are and how much you sweat.  The Institute of Medicine recommends 3 liters (13 cups) a day for men and 2.2 liters (9 cups) for women. Just remember beverages containing alcohol and caffeine are not ideal as they have empty calories and, in many cases, are not the optimal choice for your health.

Consider that every day, the kidneys filter around 120-150 quarts of fluid.  About 1-2 quarts are removed in urine, and the bloodstream recovers the rest.  If our kidneys are not functioning properly, waste products and excess fluid can build up in the body and lead to urinary tract infections, kidney stones, and kidney disease.

Dehydration happens when the body loses more water than it takes in. It can also lead to an imbalance in electrolytes (potassium, phosphate, and sodium), which carry the electrical signals between our cells.  Electrolytes are kept stable by how well our kidneys function.

When the kidneys cannot maintain balance in electrolytes levels, the signals get all mixed up, leading to seizures, loss of consciousness, and difficulty in controlling your muscles.  If dehydration becomes severe, one may experience kidney failure, anemia, central nervous system damage, and your immune system will be compromised.  It is essential to consider that when we do not drink water, our health is being compromised, and while we can live without food for long periods, we cannot live without water.  We will die.

Studies continue to show that nearly 10% of all adults state they do not drink any water daily; almost 40% only drink 1-3 cups of water, 35% 4-7 cups, and 22% 8 cups of water. 

Track for a few days to see how much water you are drinking.  How does your body feel when you drink 9-13 cups for 3-4 days straight?

When we drink water, the following may occur:

Weight loss

Stabilized moods

Perform in activities better

Decrease joint pain

Flush out waste and bacteria

Reduce cancer risks

Prevent headaches

Enhance your skin, and 

Keep your bodies working.

So, grab a glass of water and toast your health!

HealthKaia Alline