If you have found this page, chances are you already know your relationship isn't working how you need. You may be going back and forth about whether you should or shouldn't divorce. Am I going to hurt my kids?

Then the next round of questions comes in:

  • What do I need to do?

  • How will I do this?

  • What are my options for finances?

  • What about where I will live?

  • How do I select a lawyer?

  • Do I need to talk to anyone else before leaving?

If you're head is spinning, I am not surprised. There is a lot of planning that will be helpful if you seek guidance before making decisions.

The best guidance you can receive is having someone listen to you and offer suggestions and questions so you can make the best decision based on being informed.

Be proactive. Plan. Eliminate your fears. Feel Empowered. Take Action.


Kaia Alline has provided guidance and support for anyone considering divorce since 2010. She began this work as a clinical mental health counselor and has taken numerous courses and taught relationship courses. She holds a doctorate degree in Clinical Counseling. In 2016 she went through her own divorce. In that process, she began revamping how she saw divorce and guided others in seeking clarity and understanding of all the phases through preparation and action. Through what she was learning from her teacher, Liana Shanti, Kaia has gained insight into the importance of healing childhood trauma and wounds, being accountable for our choices, and becoming empowered to use our voices, have firm boundaries, and trust in the Divine. Since 2021, Kaia has been using her skills to coach and guide others.

Kaia is happily single, has an adult son, and has one fantastic dog. She loves her work, reading, and sports, and she continues to heal her soul and live healthy, joyfully, and in peace.  


Divorce Coaching Options

1:1 individual sessions $160.00 for 55 minutes (schedule at button below)

Monthly package 4 sessions to be used in 6 weeks $600.00 (schedule at button below)

Pay by the minute calls