Autoimmune and Health Coaching

How often do we hear people say that health is important?  Growing up, I heard elders in my life complaining about their aches and pains, all the medications they took, digestive issues, and numerous diseases.  I also would say to myself that being healthy was a priority.   As funny as it sounds, I never remember anyone sharing or showing me how to do that.  In my teens, my menstrual cycle was not something I looked forward to, as the pain was so intense. Then the migraine headaches began, followed by numerous gastrointestinal issues and a hysterectomy.  As the years went by, other health issues would come and go, and in the 1990’s I was diagnosed with chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, secondary progressive MS, osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, and arthritis.  As my health declined, so did my ability to function in life.  I was on over 30 medications, including IV medications, four times a week.  Life was no longer fun, and my desire to live began to wane.

After a very close call of being unable to breathe during an IV infusion and being told that my body was rejecting the medications, there was little hope. Something clicked that this was not how I saw my life-ending.  I began making changes.  The first was to wean off all the medication I was on.  I have been prescription free since 2007.  After that, I removed gluten and began seeing many changes in my health.  I continued making changes, removing dairy, processed sugar, and most processed foods, then slowly started looking at all the chemicals I was using daily and began omitting them too.  In 2013 my life changed forever when I found the Facebook page Rawganic Vegan, now called HMI Nutrition School ~ Rawganic Vegan.  I hid in the background, just reading and taking in the information for a few weeks, and finally jumped in.  I started with a 3-day juice fast and then purchased the 66-Day Health Mastery Program, and my health dramatically improved.  I began sleeping better, my stomach issues began going away, my pain started decreasing, and I had much more energy.  I was shocked.  As the days went by in the 66-day program, there was no doubt everything was changing.  I had started using a scooter in 2005 and had progressed to a walker by 2008 and then a cane.  Today, I do not need any of them. 

When Rawganic Vegan announced that they were starting a nutrition school, I was excited to join.  During that time, I realized that my education and life experiences might be valuable to others living with autoimmune diseases. 

HOPE is what I wanted to offer

I had tried so many things and would get a bit better, but once I had the education from HMI Nutrition and implemented it in my life, many lingering symptoms began to disappear.  I realized I had a leaky gut, needed to cleanse from heavy metals and candida (due to all the medications I had been on), and lacked adequate supplements.  I also realized I most likely never needed the hysterectomy I had in 1984 and that it was most likely hormonal imbalances from all the digestive issues and medications.  As I followed the protocols I was learning about, my mood changed. I realized I had adrenal fatigue that needed attention, I was finally sleeping better, had less overall pain, and I now know the importance of food and how much it can heal.

In health coaching, I can meet you where you are and offer you a program that will guide you to be more empowered in how you choose to live. Learning how to improve your life, have more joy, feel better about yourself, and have symptoms begin to diminish, what could be better than that?

Having lived with many autoimmune disorders, I am happy to say they have been my greatest teachers. They have shown me how out of balance my life was and the importance of restoring it.  I have seen how wounding and poor choices led me to get sick and how to find happiness and direction in my life today. That is my intention for health coaching- for each of you to be well and find a purpose for your life.

Autoimmune Disorders and Repressed Emotions - Take your life back

This is a 6-week program guiding those living with or interested in autoimmune diseases. The group has (6) webinars and a closed Facebook group for daily/weekly participation.

Topics include:

  • Week 1: Autoimmune disease, its effects, and tools to begin implementing today

  • Week 2: What are repressed emotions and their effect on the body, especially the immune system

  • Week 3: Boundaries and relationships, including the one with yourself?

  • Week 4: Strengthen your immune system

    • Leaky gut, stress, anxiety, childhood trauma, and other symptoms/events that have weakened your immune system

    • Limiting beliefs, grieving, mindfulness, meditation, the chakra system, and a 3-day juice fast guide

  • Week 5: The importance of incorporating supplements, herbs, flower essences, essential oils, homeopathic, superfoods, and exercise to heal the repressed emotions and your body and improve your health.

  • Week 6: Building healthy relationships: What’s next and how to do deeper healing

Next group dates to be announced.


Digital Autoimmune Resources from Kaia