Posts in Human Design
Your Child's Human Design

When you know you are becoming a parent, so many questions start going through your mind.  What will they be like? Will I know what to do? Do you know how wonderful a parenting manual would be?

The beautiful thing is, a Human Design chart has all the information you need whether you are an infant or an adult in your 50’s.  The beauty of having a chart for your children is that you can teach and encourage them from a very young age to live according to their true nature and navigate life with an ease that most of us have never known.

Parenting can be stressful, yet with a Human Design Chart, it doesn’t have to be

Looking at your child’s human design chart, you will see their true nature and strengths. 

Knowing your design and that of your child allows for unchangeable, genetically-driven family dynamics to be shown.  Seeing what cannot be changed in the family dynamic gives you freedom from trying to change the unchangeable and can help you focus on alternative ways to problem solve.

How amazing would it be from birth to honestly know your child, understand each stage of development and what to expect, and have a method of teaching your child how to be self-empowered and always to feel loveable?  How wonderful as the parent to also be clearing your patterns and personal conditioning that may influence your parenting style as you are working with your chart.

When we are gifted with these little beings, our role is to guide and show them how to navigate the world we live in by helping them find appropriate ways to love, be empowered, authentic, and become comfortable expressing their true self.  Being able to parent them in a way that encourages and supports their growth, yet, still know how to teach them, to feed their bodies correctly, make good choices with friends, education, and garner all the skills to get from childhood to adulthood.

Utilizing your child’s human design chart, mentoring your child in a safe environment to become themselves is the greatest gift we can give them.  Their chart shows you what your child is here for and what roads in their life are going to be their strengths and capabilities.  How amazing is it to be able to see your child for what and who they are?

To Fully Embrace Your Child by their DESIGN: If my child is a:

Generator: They need to be asked yes/no questions and respect their response.  They are naturally responsive and need to be encouraged to pay attention to their response.  Generator children make non-verbal sounds that will give you a positive, negative, or neutral response to everything they encounter.  When a generator child is taught to act only in response to being asked or presented with something and act only when the response is positive or negative.  As a parent, the understanding of sound is vital, and not to force a generator child to say the words “yes” or “no” in place of their sounds (grunts/groans).  Once a child learns their natural response, it will be easy to teach the way society expects politeness in words.  It just isn’t a process to rush.  As a parent becoming comfortable and willing to take “no” for an answer when asked your generator child, a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer is essential.  It is very healthy for a generator child to be able to say “no”.

Projector: invite them into things and encourage them to study what you as the parent recognizes, “turns them on,” or excites them.  Projector children need to be recognized and appreciated for who they are.  They need to be invited to experiment, explore, and experience all that life has to offer.  Some projector children will not accept many of the invitations being offered.  They will say “no.”  An invitation is an invitation and no a command. Acknowledging that ‘no’ or negotiating that ‘no’ depends on how well you the parent knows your child’s full human design chart to appreciate your child’s talents, strengths, and vulnerabilities.  This will help you guide your child in knowing which invitations are ‘good for them and not.

Manifestor: teaching them manners (to ask permission as polite informing).  Manifestor children can be difficult for many parents.  They are not naturally controllable because they know intuitively that they can “just do it” themselves without help from anyone.  Teaching a manifestor child to ask for permission is extremely important.  The parents need to not unreasonably deny the child’s requests so that the child and parent build trust in their relationship.  Manifestor children need to be treated politely so that they can learn to treat others politely.  It is essential to help the manifestor child understand that their action strongly impacts others.  Learning this early on will help them understand the importance of informing others who will be affected by their actions, which will keep all their relationships running smoother.

Reflector: observing them as they are the barometer of how the family operates and knowing that they cannot be rushed as they need the full lunar cycle (28.5 days) to make major decisions.

If the reflector child is laughing, jumping around, those around this child are feeling good.  If your reflector child is crying, someone in their environment is having a difficult time emotionally.  The reflector child reflects everything in the environment around them.  In social settings, they will want to be near the middle or center of the action.  This is their natural place as they read the environment around them to gather information to make decisions from.  It is vital not to RUSH a reflector child in any decision.  They need a lot of time and for major decisions, a whole month, before they will know if it is correct or not for them.  As a reflector parent, learning patience allows the child the time they need to reflect on things.

The beautiful thing is that as a parent, the more you know your design and our living it, parenting your child by their design, the easier life will be.  Each of you will know your truths and values and the roads to travel.  In working with a few families, children over 8 have a much easier time grasping their designs and beginning to live them than most adults.

Give yourself and your child the gift of knowing who they are.  To have a human design chart done, contact me for details at

Human DesignKaia Alline
Human Design and Importance of Knowing Your Authority
Why using our Authority is so important (1).png

Having the weekly message of Illuminations ( has guided my life in many ways and for many who know me, they chuckle at how I set my schedule according to the energies of the week as read by Liana and using my Human Design chart on a daily basis.

In this week’s message, Liana shared that we have an epic week before the total lunar eclipse next week.  She encouraged us to know the difference between messages coming from the universe and those coming from ego. 

Since having my own chart done nearly 4 years ago, I have been deconditioning all that I had learned and have begun to live according to my chart.  Before having my chart, I had no idea that my mind, which was constantly giving me messages, was conditioned by all the adults in my life from childhood and then society in general and it was telling me what everyone else thought was best for me, not what was in my highest and best.  That comes from what in Human Design is your authority and mine is my gut or sacral as I am a generator.  Liana highlighted how important it is right now to be using our authority, so we can move through this eclipse with ease and not be drawn in to old patterning and conditions.

Knowing your Authority, strategy, type and profile are the first steps to becoming your authentic self. My whole life has seen major changes and I love having the tools to know what is best for me and to be authentic.

I also love doing charts for clients and seeing the light bulbs go off when what is in their chart resonates so much for them. A few months ago, I did a chart for a family - dad is a projector, mom a manifesting generator and their two sons under 3 are generators. In the beginning the focus of the charts was with the parents and ensuring they fully understood their type, strategy and authority. As they became more comfortable, the focus shifted to parenting to young sons as generators.

Generators authority is their sacral and 70% of the population are this type. All decisions are made in the gut. When we are little our sacral center automatically makes guttural sounds to alert us as to what is best for us. It has been so much fun to watch parents slowly incorporate questions to both boys and know what the boys want. Last night was perfect as their youngest who just turned 1 began to cry and was getting a little fussy. Mom immediately asked him if he was hungry and within a very short time she heard the sounds that she knows to be his yes and said to him, "you want some food"? While he isn't talking, he is shaking his head, and his nod for yes, left no doubt, that is what he wanted.

Having been around a lot of babies in my time, nodding yes at 1 is not something I have experienced often. This little guy does and does it a lot. As his parents are learning to use his chart, are aware of how his decisions are made from his gut, they are more attuned to letting him guide his life and for them to be in the role of meeting his needs with guidance and love. Was truly beautiful to see.

Here is a synopsis of authority from my October 13, 2017 blog (

Here are the different types of Authority

Emotional Authority (Solar Plexus)- when the solar plexus is defined in a chart, it means the authority is emotional.  Emotional authority is grounded in feeling rather than thinking.  It is not logical and trying to explain it is actually not possible.  Emotions work in a wave, moving from possible to impossible and back to possible.  It is all about feeling these movements that you can experience.  This is not a fast process and one you do not want to rush, you really want to feel what is good for you.  It may actually take 2-3 days for you to really feel all the different aspects of the emotions.  You are someone who needs to feel all the emotions for yourself.  Just remember, if you begin to think, stop, it isn’t what you think, it all about what you feel.

Sacral Authority- Generators and Manifesting Generators are the only ones with Sacral Authority.  Sacral authority is about responding now.  It is the life force that that lets you know If you are to respond or not.  The hardest part is getting back in touch with the sounds of uh-huh (yes), uh-un (no) and hmmm (no response, or currently no energy available right now.)  It is really important to learn to hear those sounds and to fell the energy opening or closing.  Believe me, this is not as easy as it sounds.  Yet, once you begin asking questions and listening/feeling, you will begin to know everything about your life.  Sacral questions are simple yes or no questions.  You will begin to hear your sacral say yes and your mind no.  Going against your sacral will bring frustration and your energy.  Going with your sacral will bring satisfaction and regeneration of your energy.

Spleen Authority – only Manifestors and Projectors have spleen authority.  Spleen authority is rooted in survival and tied deeply to the past.  Spleen knows nothing other than how to survive right NOW.  Splenic awareness flows through the entire lymphatic system of the body and gives you a cat-like sense for alertness.  For many, this is the hardest awareness to access, as it is quiet and weak compared to the mind and emotions.  It is important to note, that the spleen only speaks once and never repeats itself.  If you are unsure, go back to your strategy as this will help settle you down and ground you.  The spleen is basically saying yes, until is says no.  Just remember, the spleen will say no to anything that endangers your health.

Ego Authority -  If neither the Solar Plexus, the Sacral or the Spleen is defined (colored in) and the Heart (small red triangle is) then you have Ego Authority.  This authority is also exclusive to Manifestors and Projectors, and is the rarest of all authorities.  Ego authority is grounded in the correct use of willpower.  The ego, when used correctly makes a commitment to something.  If the Heart is defined through a connection to the throat, this is the Manifestor and is it is important you listen to what you are saying so you can know your truth.  If, the heart is defined through the G (self) center (colored diamond in center of your chart and an undefined sacral) then you are the Projector who has huge opportunities to be force of transformation when you have been INVITED.

G Authority (Self-Projected) – this authority is exclusive to Projectors and grounded in the expression of the Self. G authority is all about learning to hear the frequency of the voice when you are not thinking.  If you are Projector with this authority, when you are speaking and feel that your expression is restricted or unclear, this is a great way of knowing you were NOT invited, or your mind is trying to run the show.  Over time you will become more aware of this as you listen and practice.  The more you spend time talking about the things that are important in your life with a person you are close with, the clearer you become on what your truth is.

Mental Authority (None) -  Also exclusive to Projectors and is known as the “none” or “environmental” authority.  This is hearing the truth in your voice after it has been spoken. This is you talking through your options and not to get advice but to hear your thinking or bounce off your ideas, like a sounding board.  When you are in the correct environment, the right people and activities show up.  You will find yourself relaxed and settled.

Lunar Authority –  When none of the nine centers are defined, this is the Reflector. It is so important for Reflectors to pay attention to everything in your environment and you reflect it back like a mirror for yourself and others.  Your authority is grounded by the way you connect to the lunar cycle.  Reflectors need to slow down and not be rushed by others – the waiting 28.5 days to discuss, consider, sit with before making any major decisions is important.

As stated in Illuminations, know your authority and use it.


How Human Design Can Change Your Life
Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Unsplash.png

How Human Design can change your life

How amazing would it be to?

·       Consistently make correct decisions

·       Stress-free decision making

·       Understand and enjoy your unique characteristics

·       Live the life you have always wanted but didn’t know how to achieve

·       Recognize and let-go of negative conditioning

·       Live your design, love without fear

Human Design changes the way you live your life. Once you begin living from your Type, Strategy and Authority, the most noticeable change you will experience is making correct decisions.

Human Design’s basis comes from Nuclear Physics and Genetics and then combines with elements from the ancient systems of Astrology, the I Ching, the Chakra energy centers and the Kabbalah.  It is a logical and empirical system that you are able to use in your life every day.

How often have you said or heard others say, if only there was a manual for life?   Actually, there it is called your Human Design Chart.

To figure out your Human Design, all I need is your date of birth, time of birth and place of birth.  With that information, I am able to produce your Bodygraph.  The bodygraph (see example) will tell you whether you are a Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector.  Unlike how most of us have lived our lives, your Type is not a mental process.  It is how you are to function in the world.  It gives you a description of how to live your life.


The most amazing thing is your Type and your Design are unique to you.  In going over your chart, you will learn how to use your chart in practical ways and make your life the dream you always wanted.  What is better than learning to appreciate and use your uniqueness to uncover the you, that you were born to be.

Since learning about Human Design and incorporating it into my life, every facet has changed.  I am so much more at ease with decision making, being comfortable with my uniqueness, improving how I communicate and relate to others I am in relationship with and seeing for the first time, how to be the best me in work and in my spiritual life.

Human Design will change your life.


After booking the consultation, I will prepare your chart and send to you before our consultation.  We will have 2 hours to go over the detail and cover the basics of what you need to know to begin living your Design immediately.  Your session will be recorded and sent to you after session and is yours to keep.

What are Profiles in Human Design

When you look at your human design chart for the first time, it may look a bit overwhelming and like many looking at their chart for the first time, they have no idea what is what. Once you know your type (Generator/Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector), begin to understand your strategy and authority, then you can begin to look at open and closed centers, gates and channels and your profile.

Profile is just another way to look at yourself and where you are going and what your life is all about.  Each of us came into the world with a specific profile or purpose.  The more you are able to understand your profile, the easier it is to gain understanding on your purpose.  The more you live your design, the more your purpose becomes a reality.

There have been a couple of times lately where I have found myself in my not-self-strategy as I noticed I was pushing myself to be out and about more than I normally am.  As I was chatting with a client who has the same profile as I do, the light clicked on- that I had fallen back into ways I used to cope, ways of living that are not me, instead of being at peace and allowing who I am to just flow.  The conversation offered me reflection on how much of my life I had been fighting my true nature, attempting to be much more extroverted, being on the go, trying to be someone I am not or made simpler, wearing a costume that just didn’t fit.  It now makes so much sense as to why so much of my life felt so difficult.

Gaining understanding that many of us are walking around in roles, that are not part of our design nor are they doing us much good.  Once you have your human design chart, ask yourself, do these “roles” fit me? Am I wearing the right costume? Do I feel free or restricted?

My profile is the 6/2 -  Role Model/Hermit.  I had fallen back into trying to live the 4/1 and the 5/1 outfits that were conditioned into me from childhood and while I have learned the hard way they do not fit, sometimes, I still fall back.  Thankfully, I caught it and put those old pieces back in the closet as they no longer are mine, nor do they fit well.

Being able to relax and live comfortably in the 6/2 profile is easier and brings a sense of contentment.  It feels right and brings a beautiful energy to my being.  As each of you learn your profiles, you will find another unique and powerful vibration to express yourself based on your time of birth.  Having the understanding of the lines will give you an opportunity to understand your individual gifts and of course to begin to understand others around you.

Profiles are determined by the position of your personality sun/earth and your design sun/earth in the bodygraph.  The personality is who you think you are and what you identify with, that is combined with your unconscious design that represents the physical body. Your profile impacts how we differentiate as unique human beings.  The same profile will be expressed quite differently through each Type, that means a 6/2 Generator experiences and manifests their profile differently than a 6/2 Projector.


Gaining understanding of my profile and learning to embrace the natural rhythm of the 6th line which is the role model has been quite freeing.  The role model has a three-part life process: the first 30 years of life is trial and error, moving into settling and healing until age 50, then finally walking in the world as a Role Model.  While I have had some deconditioning, and waking up to fully reach the third phase, I am beginning to embody her now and appreciate the wisdom, happiness and the purpose for being here I am seeing.  I am enjoying the process.

My 2nd line profile, the hermit has brought forth that I have many talents and have become comfortable when others encourage me to share my unique talents with the world.  I am so much more at peace with my need to be alone to nurture myself, my space, and my talents.  I love being comfortable with my alone time, setting boundaries that I am really okay in that aloneness. It is a gift to realize who you are and be at ease with it.

There are 6 lines.  Below I will give a brief description of each.

1st line – Investigator – person who studies and looks at things deeply, a strong foundation is needed to feel secure.

2nd line – Hermit – a natural talent, will need a lot of alone time, waits for the calling

3rd line – Martyr – trial and error, finds out how things work by going through what doesn’t first, may have many relationships, jobs, etc. to find what works

4th line – Opportunist – influential, very communicative, network of friends, acquaintances and associates

5th line- Heretic – seductive and attractive energy that attract projections and expectations from others

6th line – Role Model – acts as 3rd line in the first 30 years, then authority for others, detached from life (between 30th and 50th year) to finally become a role model (after 50th year).

There are 12 profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/5, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3.  The profile must be seen in relation to your type. 


There are 12 profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/5, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3.  The profile must be seen in relation to your type. 

Human Design and Parenting: Make life easier
Photo by Bruno Nascimento on Unsplash.png

From the moment you know you are becoming a parent, so many questions start going through your mind.  What will they be like? Will I know what to do? Do you know how wonderful a parenting manual would be?

The beautiful thing is, a Human Design chart has all the information you need whether you are an infant or an adult in your 50’s.  The beauty of having a chart for your children is that you can teach and encourage them from a very young age to live according to their true nature and how to navigate life with ease that most of us have never known.

Parenting can be stressful, yet with a Human Design Chart, it doesn’t have to be

In looking at your child’s human design chart, you will see their true nature and their strengths. 

Knowing your own Design and that of your child allows for unchangeable, genetically-driven family dynamics to be shown.  Being able to see what cannot be changed in the family dynamic, gives you freedom from trying to change the unchangeable and can help you focus on alternative ways to problem solve.

How amazing would it be from birth to truly know your child, to understand each stage of development and what to expect, to have a method of being able to teach your child how to be self-empowered and to always feel loveable?  How wonderful as the parent to also be clearing your patterns and personal conditioning that may be influencing your parenting style as you are working with your chart.

When we are gifted with these little beings, our role is to guide and show them how to navigate the world we live in by helping them find appropriate ways to love, be empowered, authentic and to become comfortable expressing their true self.  Being able to parent them in a way that encourages and supports their growth, yet, still know how teach them, to feed their bodies correctly, make good choices with friends, education and garner all the skills to get from childhood to adulthood.

Utilizing your child’s human design chart, mentoring your child in a safe environment to become themselves is the greatest gift we can give them.  Their chart shows you as the parent what your child is here for, what roads in their life are going to be their strengths and capabilities.  How amazing it is to be able to see your child for what and who they are?

To Fully Embrace Your Child by their DESIGN: If my child is a:

Generator: They need to be asked yes/no questions and respect their response.  They are naturally responsive and need to be encouraged to pay attention to their response.  Generator children make non-verbal sounds that will let you know a positive, negative, or neutral response to everything they encounter.  When a generator child is taught to act only in response to be asked or presented with something, and to act only when the response is clearly positive or negative.  As a parent, understanding sound is vital and not to force a generator child to say the words “yes” or “no” in place of their sounds (grunts/groans).  Once a child learns their natural response then teaching the way society expects politeness in words will be easy.  It just isn’t a process to rush.  As a parent becoming comfortable and willing to take “no” for an answer when you have asked your generator child a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ answer is important.  It is very healthy for a generator child to be able to say “no”.

Projector: invite them into things and encourage them to study, what you as the parent recognizes, “turns them on”, or excites them.  Projector children need to be recognized and appreciated for who they are.  They need to be invited to experiment, to explore and to experience all that life has to offer.  Some projector children will not accept many of the invitations being offered.  They will say “no”.  An invitation is an invitation and no a command and so accepting that ‘no’ or negotiating that ‘no’ is dependent on how well you the parent knows your child’s full human design chart to appreciate your child’s talents, strengths and vulnerabilities.  This will help you to guide your child in knowing which invitations are ‘good’ for them and which ones are not.

Manifestor: teaching them manners (to ask permission as polite informing).  Manifestor children can be difficult for many parents.  They are not naturally controllable because they know intuitively that they can “just do it” themselves without help from anyone.  Teaching a manifestor child to ask for permission is extremely important.  The parents need to not unreasonable deny the child’s requests so that the child and parent build trust in their relationship.  Manifestor children need to be treated politely so that they can learn to treat others politely.  It is important to help the manifestor child to understand that their action have a strong impact on others.  Learning this early on, will help them to understand the importance of informing others who will be impacted by their actions, which will keep all their relationships running smoother.

Reflector: observing them as they are the barometer of how the family operates and knowing that they cannot be rushed as they need the full lunar cycle (28.5 days) to make major decisions.

If the reflector child is laughing, jumping around, those around this child are feeling good.  If your reflector child is crying, someone in their environment is having a difficult time, emotionally.  The reflector child reflects everything in the environment around them.  In social settings, they will want to be near the middle or center of the action.  This is their natural place as they read the environment around them to gather information to make decisions from.  It is vital to not RUSH a reflector child in any type of decision.  They need a lot of time and for major decisions, a whole month, before they will know if it is right or not for them.  As a parent of a reflector, learning patience so as to allow the child the time they need to reflect on things.

The beautiful things is that as a parent, the more you know your own design and our living it, parenting your child by their design, the easier life will be.  Each of you will know your truths and values and the roads to travel.  In working with a few families, children over 8 have a much easier time grasping their designs and beginning to live them, than most of the adults.

Give yourself and your child the gift of knowing who they are.  To have a human design chart done, contact me for details at or

The Throat Center and all its Gates (1).png

In Human Design, our Throat Center relates to the Thyroid and Parathyroid glands that control the making of thyroid hormones, which regulate our body’s metabolism.  Following conception, the Throat Center becomes the energetic foundation of the fetus, and ultimately affects how every other center is formed and functions throughout our entire lifetime.

The Throat Center is the place we articulate, express and manifest from.  It is the most complex of all the centers in our BodyGraph.  It has huge responsibility to handle a lot of intense demands. The Throat Center is all about “what” I want to become in the world.  It is how we show up, how we describe our world, how we explain who we are, what we are doing, how well we live and any other aspect of expression in our life.  All the energy of the BodyGraph flows to this center.  It is like the hub of your body where energy is metabolized and transformed in the body.

There are 11 gates in our Throat Center and they each carry energy that we use to express ourselves, begin to determine which voice(s) most represents our truth and how to use them and add in to our daily life.  When we have a gate activated in our throat center, we have access to a particular form of expression, but in order to use that voice, you need to wait your turn, until you receive your cue.

As an example, if you are a Generator, energetically, you are designed to respond from your sacral area (your lower belly/your gut), to know if something is right for you or not.  If you are a Projector, it is best to wait for an invitation, whether that comes from someone you know, or from an inner recognition of being called to participate.  Using the voice with following the above, or attempting to manifest at any time, will lead to your thyroid being overworked energetically, which will affect your metabolism in some way.

If your throat is defined (colored), you will express views and suggestions for the benefit of yourself and others.  Your Type and Authority give you the understanding to know when to talk or to remain silent.  If undefined (open), you will be able to say things, often clarifying things for others what they cannot express for themselves.  Again, it is important to know your type and authority, so you know when others can hear you, and therefore can act on your world.  If you are constantly talking, you will find that often others are not hearing you, and you end up talking to yourself.  If this is a pattern in your life, slow down and pay attention to your inner guidance of when to talk, an in ways that make connections with others easier and closer in your world.  Questions you might ask with an undefined/open throat are: Am I trying to attract attention?  Am I trying to be a doer? Am I worried about what I am going to manifest or am I acting like a Manifestor? and am I initiating the conversation?

With an undefined (open) throat center, with no gates activated and colored, it is important to recognize that you can teach your voice to make a multitude of different sounds.  You can expand your voice, just be careful not to overdo.  If you are called to speak a lot, it will be helpful to cover your neck in some way for protection.


Here are the 11 gates of the Throat Center and the expressions associated with them.  To see if any of these are playing a role in your chart, look at your Bodygraph and look to see which of the numbers have red, black or a combination.

Gate 23: I know or not

Gate 8: I know I can make a contribution or not

Gate 20: I am now or not

Gate 16: I experiment (identify) or not

Gate 35: I experience (I feel) or not

Gate 45: I have or not

Gate 12: I know I can try or not

Gate 62: I think or not

Gate 56: I believe or not

Gate 31: I lead or not

Gate 33: I remember or not

All of these expressions are just describing tendencies.  If your throat is completely open it means you have limitless potential to express yourself in MANY ways, depending on your circumstances.

If you haven’t had your Human Design Chart done and would like to, contact me via the website at or via email at

What are Gates and Channels in Human Design?
Photo by Trent Erwin on Unsplash.png

In the past few weeks we have looked at all the different Human Design types and their characteristics, strategy and authority and how open and closed centers affect our lives.

To create a Human Design Chart, you only need to provide your birth date, time and place.  Your birth date is used to calculate your Astrological Chart that is then converted into the Human Design Body Graph (64 Gates).  The Body Graph also gives us the information to understand our Type (Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector).  Type explains a Strategy and operates in all layers of consciousness changing with you and that leads to recognizing inner authority, and profiles

Your birth date, time and place, is used to create your ‘Personality’ graph (black row of numbers), these represent the I-Ching hexagrams associated with waking consciousness.  The red column of numbers is calculated by using the date 88 Solar degrees (roughly 88 days) before your birth to create your ‘Design’ graph; these red numbers represent the I-Ching hexagrams associated with your Unconscious, i.e., what is beneath your awareness.  The red numbers translate t red lines in the body graph while the black numbers translate as black lines. 

Untitled design (2).png

Each number in the body graph is called a Gate and represents one of the 64 I-Ching hexagrams.  Each number in the two columns of you birth data translates to Gates in the Body Graph- these Gates are now activated.  Two Gates that connect two centers are a called a channel.  If you have two activated Gates that create one Channel, e.g., Gate 17 and Gate 62 (see chart above) you have a Defined Channel – both sides of the gates are filled with color.  Each Gate and Each Channel carry a different energy.

These energies determine who you are, how you connect, react, communicate, how you are in life.  For example, Gate 17 carries an energy that is called “Gate of Opinions “, Gate 62 is called “Gate of Details”, and the channel from Gate 17 to Gate 62 is called, “Channel of Acceptance”. Depending on a Channel being Defined or not, these energies have different effects.

The Human Design System is an intelligent designed system grounding it as human science.  As human being we are highly evolved and complex energetic fields layered in strata.  The 9 centers, 64 gates and 36 channels as designed in the Body Graph – is our matrix.  There are so many configurations for each human and explains our uniqueness.  With our colored closed centers that show where we are stable and reliable to our open white centers that highlight for us aspects that are vulnerable as we take in and amplify surrounding energies- which for that moment change you into someone you are not.

The 64 Gates

A Gate is a door belonging to a center.  There are 64 Gates, each relating their corresponding Hexagram in the I-Ching system as well as to a specific codon of your 64 codons DNA.  Gates are potentials, energies, intelligences, resources.  

While we have 64 Gates, only a maximum of 26 may be activated.  When you look at your chart, see if there are some Gates colored red and black; if so, your aura has less than 26 activated Gates.  This isn’t bad or something being wrong.  It just shows that these potentials have been activated twice, 88 days before birth and at birth and may have received multiple imprints from various planets of our solar system. 

When activated, colored red and/or black, Gates are stable, reliable, and important to our uniqueness.  If a Gate is undefined, - colored white- it is open, as such it mirrors what’s around; it is a vulnerability point, open to the corresponding energies that we may take in.  In Human Design, this is called “conditioning”.

36 Channels

Channels are linking the Centers; made of 2 Gates from 2 different Centers, they allow energy from Center A to flow to Center B, but only when each of the 2 Gates are activated.  You can see in your Human Design Chart Channels are full black/red colored, others half colored or completely white.  In a full colored Channel, energies flow from the 2 centers on each side of it.

A fully colored Channel is named “Definition”.  A red/black or red and black Definition is a transforming agent of your aura, as it defines the 2 centers at each of its sides.  You are permanently impacted by its presence when you see it in your Human Design Chart; you may also be conditioned by its punctual appearance when someone having it comes close to you.  As long as that encounter lasts, your aura is transformed into another field.

A definition is also a life-force field that deeply influences you and the others around you which alike- channel is undefined, open, white in their own aura.  When colored red, you are unconscious of its influence both on yourself and others- though they can feel its impact on them.  This could explain why others perceive you so differently than you do.  There is a huge difference between a fully and a half define Channel: with the former, you feel self-sufficient; with the later one, that Gate activated is searching for its completion, the potential on the other end of the Channel.

My head and Ajna center are open, now what? (1).png

Open centers in Human Design is all about the potential for achieving wisdom.  It gives us the opportunity of observing and understanding what is mine vs. theirs.  With an open center, learning to surrender, let go of attachment, to allow the open centers to be our guide, a filter if you will instead of us always ‘thinking’ we need to act, is the greatest gift. 

What is important to know is that OPEN CENTERS are not you.  They are simply how you experience others around you and the environment.

It is why knowing your design (Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector), as well as your strategy and authority is so important.  With open centers, the not-self strategies get developed as a coping mechanism.  A protection against all the openness, the amplifying, and the mental thinking of the (painful) experience.

When we are not living out our strategy, all that is left is to live out our design, the unconscious part of ourselves.

Having an open head center is all about knowing our true inspiration and the Ajna open center recognizes valued mental concepts. 

With an open head, questions to ask yourself are

(1) Am I trying to answer everyone’s questions?

(2) Am I making decisions about my life from my mind

If your Ajna is open, ask yourself

(1) Am I trying to convince everyone that I am certain?

(2) Am I holding onto concepts that do not serve me?

(3) Am I too rigid in my beliefs

(4) Is my mind running my life

(5) Am I trying to figure out life from my mind?

A common theme in these questions is your MIND. Our mind whether open or closed (defined/undefined) really tries to be the ‘authority’ in our life.  It is so powerful and thinks it knows what is best for us.  It is so attached to our life and truly believes it is the driver when it is the passenger.  For a moment think of what would happen on the highway if you are in the driver’s seat but your passenger feels they can do whatever they want from that position and control the vehicle on the road.  I know, “scare me.”  Yet, that is exactly what the mind believes, and it will do ANYTHING and EVERYTHING to stay in control.  Unfortunately, most of us since childhood have been taught to use our minds for everything and now in Human Design, we learn that this has hindered us in many ways and it is our strategy that is needed for decision making not our minds.

The mind believes it is our voice for all our open centers making up this story and that and telling us why we should do this or that.  The chatter from the mind is nonstop and will put us in situations that are not in alignment with our type, strategy and authority.

Open head centers think they need to solve problems and the problem is not theirs.  As the head is a pressure center and with the center being open they are taking in all the energies of those around them.  In the head there are three gates (64 - to make sense of, (61) – to know and (63) – to understand.  It is helpful to know that the head center is about reviewing not doing.  It is not a motor center and therefore is not designed to “do”.

The natural state for the head center when you are alone is lack of mental pressure.  When they are healthily living the strategy of your authentic self, you know that questions are never its own question.  Therefore, they know not to take on the pressure of other people’s need for answers.  They are just open to new insights and inspiration.  They are comfortable with the pressure to know more without needing to figure it out or identify with it. It is also easy to just withdraw when confusion or doubt sets in as they realize it isn’t about them, it is the energy around them.  They will also know who is confusing or inspiring.  What great gifts when you are living in a healthy state.

If they are living more in the not-self, it is easy to become lost or overwhelmed by the doubt and confusion not realizing it belongs to others.  Constantly trying to resolve other’s people’s question as well as taking on their worries.  Also, difficult to just find peace and relaxation in their head center.

With an open head center, techniques you may find helpful are to resolve your feeling of pressure to answer all the questions of other’s and the pressure to know the answers; the feeling of impatience; and that feeling of needing to be right. Begin to become comfortable with that need to solve the ‘problem’ of uncertainty and making decisions from the mind.  Let the words, I don’t know, become your friend.

The Ajna center is an awareness center, it operates “over time”.  The Ajna’s awareness comes later in life.  The Ajna filters the mind and is the center v conceptualization.

If you have an open Ajna and have not begun living with your strategy and authority, you will be in the not-self behavior.  Aspects of the not-self behavior will be giving in to the pressure to have an answer, being uncomfortable when you do not have an answer; and most likely because of your prior conditioning, have no idea that there is pressure to have an answer as it has become habitual.  You may find that you are seldom totally present as the open Ajna is working hard to develop and answer or response while pretending to listen. You may be someone who finishes another person’s sentences before the person gets a chance to finish their thoughts.  Many open Ajna’s are impatient in their listening skills because they ‘think’ they know what the other person is going to say.  There is a pressure to tell other’s what you think they want to hear.  You have most likely been told or feel like a know-it-all.

When the open Ajna is alone in its natural state, there is no consistent thought pattern. If you have an open Ajna and are living healthily in your strategy your thinking is fluid and adaptable and you are able to just take in all the idea and concepts of those around, you without becoming fixated on any of them.  You will find enjoyment of having no set way of processing your thoughts.  You just enjoy the openness of the intelligence all around you and fully accept that at times there is uncertainty.

When you are in an unhealthy aspect and living in the not-self, you may find you are worrying about not understanding or remembering things.  There will be a competition of comparing yourself to defined Ajna’s and then try even harder to be intellectual, holding tightly to fixed thinking, ideas or opinions.  You will do all you can to get others to think you know what is going on.