Posts tagged be joyful
What are Profiles in Human Design

When you look at your human design chart for the first time, it may look a bit overwhelming and like many looking at their chart for the first time, they have no idea what is what. Once you know your type (Generator/Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor or Reflector), begin to understand your strategy and authority, then you can begin to look at open and closed centers, gates and channels and your profile.

Profile is just another way to look at yourself and where you are going and what your life is all about.  Each of us came into the world with a specific profile or purpose.  The more you are able to understand your profile, the easier it is to gain understanding on your purpose.  The more you live your design, the more your purpose becomes a reality.

There have been a couple of times lately where I have found myself in my not-self-strategy as I noticed I was pushing myself to be out and about more than I normally am.  As I was chatting with a client who has the same profile as I do, the light clicked on- that I had fallen back into ways I used to cope, ways of living that are not me, instead of being at peace and allowing who I am to just flow.  The conversation offered me reflection on how much of my life I had been fighting my true nature, attempting to be much more extroverted, being on the go, trying to be someone I am not or made simpler, wearing a costume that just didn’t fit.  It now makes so much sense as to why so much of my life felt so difficult.

Gaining understanding that many of us are walking around in roles, that are not part of our design nor are they doing us much good.  Once you have your human design chart, ask yourself, do these “roles” fit me? Am I wearing the right costume? Do I feel free or restricted?

My profile is the 6/2 -  Role Model/Hermit.  I had fallen back into trying to live the 4/1 and the 5/1 outfits that were conditioned into me from childhood and while I have learned the hard way they do not fit, sometimes, I still fall back.  Thankfully, I caught it and put those old pieces back in the closet as they no longer are mine, nor do they fit well.

Being able to relax and live comfortably in the 6/2 profile is easier and brings a sense of contentment.  It feels right and brings a beautiful energy to my being.  As each of you learn your profiles, you will find another unique and powerful vibration to express yourself based on your time of birth.  Having the understanding of the lines will give you an opportunity to understand your individual gifts and of course to begin to understand others around you.

Profiles are determined by the position of your personality sun/earth and your design sun/earth in the bodygraph.  The personality is who you think you are and what you identify with, that is combined with your unconscious design that represents the physical body. Your profile impacts how we differentiate as unique human beings.  The same profile will be expressed quite differently through each Type, that means a 6/2 Generator experiences and manifests their profile differently than a 6/2 Projector.


Gaining understanding of my profile and learning to embrace the natural rhythm of the 6th line which is the role model has been quite freeing.  The role model has a three-part life process: the first 30 years of life is trial and error, moving into settling and healing until age 50, then finally walking in the world as a Role Model.  While I have had some deconditioning, and waking up to fully reach the third phase, I am beginning to embody her now and appreciate the wisdom, happiness and the purpose for being here I am seeing.  I am enjoying the process.

My 2nd line profile, the hermit has brought forth that I have many talents and have become comfortable when others encourage me to share my unique talents with the world.  I am so much more at peace with my need to be alone to nurture myself, my space, and my talents.  I love being comfortable with my alone time, setting boundaries that I am really okay in that aloneness. It is a gift to realize who you are and be at ease with it.

There are 6 lines.  Below I will give a brief description of each.

1st line – Investigator – person who studies and looks at things deeply, a strong foundation is needed to feel secure.

2nd line – Hermit – a natural talent, will need a lot of alone time, waits for the calling

3rd line – Martyr – trial and error, finds out how things work by going through what doesn’t first, may have many relationships, jobs, etc. to find what works

4th line – Opportunist – influential, very communicative, network of friends, acquaintances and associates

5th line- Heretic – seductive and attractive energy that attract projections and expectations from others

6th line – Role Model – acts as 3rd line in the first 30 years, then authority for others, detached from life (between 30th and 50th year) to finally become a role model (after 50th year).

There are 12 profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/5, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3.  The profile must be seen in relation to your type. 


There are 12 profiles: 1/3, 1/4, 2/5, 3/5, 4/6, 5/1, 5/2, 6/2 and 6/3.  The profile must be seen in relation to your type.