Posts tagged full of energy
Celebrity Generators: Powerhouses in their own Right
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Generators in this world are here to be the true builders and creators of the planet.  They have a tremendous wealth of energy and power and there is nothing more powerful than when a generator learns to wait to respond as that is when the true power comes through.

In this blog on celebrities it is very easy to see when each of them did this.  When they responded correctly they easily attract everyone to them.  When generators have others come to them ask, they will give you all they have.  That is the perfection of the generator.

Robin Williams

As a generator, he had sustainable energy, meaning he could go and go, which was quite obvious when you look at the amount of work he was able to do and the energy he expended with his family, acting, comedy and his charitable interests. 

His chart is interesting to look at in that like all generators he has a defined sacral, which is a motor center.  Of the 9 centers in the body 4 are motors (which are about taking action), and he had all four of them defined (the spleen is not a motor- center on far left), which provided him all the energy he needed to take action.  What is even more interesting though is his throat center is undefined/open (third center down), which is our communication center and the energy needs to get there to manifest and make things happen and all his energy had no means to get there.  His energy is go-go-go but it doesn’t reach the throat, the area that makes things happen, yet he had no outlet to release it for things to just happen. So, this can be challenging.

An example for me is think of your car stuck on ice.  You can give it all the gas you want, but you will just be spinning and going nowhere. It is the inability to go forward, even though your are giving it all the action/power.  Once others recognize you need aid then progress can be made.

That happened for Williams, when he was recognized for his abilities in Mork and Mindy.  Once that happened so many opportunities just flowed into his life and he could wait to respond to what was correct for him.  It may be that before that happened, he experienced many challenges.

Open throat center is rare.  About 1/8 of population.  It can be a gifted mimic who can create characters or voices.  The open throat has an ability to take in throat energy from other people and enlarging it.  It gave him the opportunity to take in the communication style and had an amazing way of expressing it to others through his comedy and characters he created. When you have an undefined throat you also have the ability to speak for others, you can be a mouth piece speaking for others.  See Oprah Winfrey below she has the same open throat center.  The undefined throat does need the attention of others, to get the energy and link up to get the energy to the throat.  It is important for those who with open throats to get attention and be recognized to be able to share their gifts.  This also leaves it difficult for an open throat to know what is enough attention or not.  Think of a class clown.

He also is a 2/5 profile meaning, the 2 (unconscious)part of him the hermit likes his alone time, whereas the 5, the Heretic (conscious), is about using his life experiences to help others makes sense of all their experiences.  He had the ability to be a valuable resource for others.  This profile has a challenge in that the unconscious wants to be alone and the conscious wants to be seen.  It makes sense how being so public could be a bit much for him and so balance would have been important.

Robin Williams

Robin Williams

·        TYPE: Generator

·        STRATEGY: To Respond

·        NOT-SELF THEME: Frustration

·        INNER AUTHORITY: Emotional - Solar Plexus

·        PROFILE: 2 / 5

·        DEFINITION: Split Definition

·        INCARNATION CROSS: Right Angle Cross of Laws (56/60 | 3/50)

·        NAME: Robin Williams

·        BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): July 21, 1951, 13:34


 Dali Lama

The Dali Lama, like Robin Williams, is a 4 motors generator.  He is a generator with that sustainable energy that will propel him to do all the things he loves.  He has the energy to go and go and we have seen him do that for many years as he is now over 80 years old. His energy has supported him in his travels, to be able to support his people and his causes.  His chart only has the 4-motor center defined and like Robin Williams, none of that energy gets to his throat. He has a lot of openness where he is taking in a lot of energy from others and amplifying it.  With his open throat, it is common not to always feel heard and we have seen that in not always getting the support for his people, but he has used the gift that is there to modulate and get his message across in a way that has been accepted by others and has kept him going.  He also through that open center has an ability to speak for others and he has done that.  If you can master the open throat you are able to really speak for others.  As his G/Self center is open too, his sense of direction for his life comes from outside of him.  We have seen this in how he asks others for support for his people.  His heart center also known as the ‘will’ center, gives him his willpower, which as we have seen in his life is very evident.  He has the ability to motivate others and like the throat this center is only defined by 1/8 of the population.  His presence has touched many of us in the world.

Having the opportunity to hear him speak live in 2006 in Buffalo, his presence magnified all of us and to this day, remains a memory, I cherish.

He has an interesting channel 37-40, which is all about agreements, being involved in community and peace and harmony.  When you think of what we know of the history of Tibet and its people, he has had many struggles to keep himself peaceful, keep his work and the other people involved peaceful, yet facilitate change for peace and harmony.

His chart shows that he also has the channel 60-3 which is mutation and all about a desire to bring change.  He has worked so hard at this all of his life being a voice and bring change to his people but also all of humanity.


Dali Lama

Dali Lama

·        TYPE: Generator

·        STRATEGY: To Respond

·        NOT-SELF THEME: Frustration

·        INNER AUTHORITY: Emotional - Solar Plexus

·        PROFILE: 4 / 6

·        DEFINITION: Split Definition

·        INCARNATION CROSS: Right Angle Cross of Tension (39/38 | 21/48)

·        NAME: Dali Lama

·        BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): July 6, 1935, 04:38

·        BIRTH PLACE: Xining, China


Oprah Winfrey

Oprah is another generator that in knowing anything about her, you are aware she has the sustainable, consistent energy to keep her going in her work and personal life.  She is surely has shown us she can go, and go about areas of her life she is passionate about.

Like Robin Williams and the Dali Lama, she has the open throat center too.  Her gift of being able to communicate in ways that everyone around her can hear is well known.  She has also used her voice to speak for those who are unable or unsure.  She has lent her voice to speak for them, which is a gift of the open throat center. 

Oprah has many energies in her chart that support the path she has chosen to take.  In looking at some of her gates, (the numbers in her chart that are colored or activated) so much of her life path is clearly defined.  Energies that she was gifted with are:

Gate 62: The gate of Details and Facts.  This gate gives her the foundation to know if something is reasonable or unreasonable. 

Gate 43: The gate of Breakthrough that is constantly making available to her the ability to be ready to deliver deep insights that can make a difference in people’s lives.  This gate gives you the ability to have flashes of pure knowing, that others may not always seem to understand.  For her during these times, she really wants to just trust herself.

Gate 56: The gate of the Wanderer which is about traveling, expanding your horizons and discovering fresh new things in your life.  Home for her will be wherever she lays her hat.  It is also a storytelling gate, residing in her throat center, which gives her the ability when speaking to say, “It happened like this” or “You’ll never believe this.”  Her stories come quickly and she is able to weave them into a way of sharing that her audience gets.  This gate also arouses feedback from her audience to challenge their own beliefs.  For her life is about constant stimulation.  She is always searching for new experiences to add to her life story.

Gate 33: The gate of Retreat, the other storytelling gate.  These are reflective, sober and not highly embellished.  These are the authentic stories of her life that she is able to weave into a story everyone can relate too.  Her memory capacity is sharp, similar to having a database in her head and she can overwhelm her publisher or a director of a movie with all of her creative ideas.  A challenge is knowing when to retreat.  If she doesn’t take time to recharge, she could experience exhaustion or near collapse. 

Her chart is filled with other gates that all speak to her abilities and success.  It is obvious that either due to challenges she has faced in her life, or her experiences, that she has learned to use her sacral authority, her ‘gut instincts” and her splenic awareness.  It is also obvious she has found out that waiting to respond before voicing her ideas and stories (open throat), she could share in a way that has been very abundant for her.

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 ·        TYPE: Generator

·        STRATEGY: To Respond

·        NOT-SELF THEME: Frustration

·        INNER AUTHORITY: Emotional - Solar Plexus

·        PROFILE: 2 / 4

·        DEFINITION: Triple Split Definition

·        INCARNATION CROSS: Right Angle Cross of The Four Ways (19/33 | 44/24)

·        NAME: Oprah Winfrey

·        BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): Jan 29, 1954, 04:20


Albert Einstein

In looking at his chart, the first thing I noticed was that his head, ajna and throat are all open.  The open head and ajna gave him his intellectual curiosity and his open-mindedness and if he was in school today, this would have given him many difficulties with rote learning.  He needed the space to be able to ‘think outside the box’ as with those centers being open he was constantly taking in information from those around him and turning it over and over. 

He had an amazing ability to learn new things, delve in with a passion and then just move on to something else, once the information was disproven or no longer accurate.  An example of this was his views on religion which he was raised with since childhood, but after reading a science text given to him, his views all change.  That is very common for those with an open head and ajna.  Another trait of the two open centers, is his learning came easily in the areas he was interested in (math/science) and preferred doing them on his own in his own way but had little time for subject matters that did not stimulate him in any way.

His ajna has 3 gates activated that tell a lot about him. 

Gate 11: The gate of Harmony, which is rich in imagination, cultivating ideas to bring about social harmony.  He was forever thinking about new ideas to keep things fresh and revolving.  He easily dropped outdated methods or concepts that no longer seemed relevant.

Gate 17: The gate of Following which gave him a natural inclination to be fair, balanced, and impartial.  He was not afraid of being strongly opinionated, but also had the ability to be a great diplomat or debater.  He loved to have his opinions tested and to encourage fair debate.   He was more interested in his quality of life, being able to envision and follow views of anyone who might show him ways to enhance his life.

Gate 24:  The gate of Returning, which is about rationalization.  He had a propensity to be intense, preoccupied, looking for missing clues or finding understanding.  This gate just cannot stop searching or digging.  It also means, one can become set in their ways and you have to be careful not to get stuck in holding on to old perspectives.  This gate also offers the possibility of potential bursts of insight if you can embrace them.

As you continue through his chart you are able to see that his sacral energy was a great source for birthing new ideas. His creativity was born here and is the type that is healing for our planet, and the growth of humanity.  This is evidenced in one of his channels the 59-6, the channel of Reproduction and Mating.


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·        TYPE: Generator

·        STRATEGY: To Respond

·        NOT-SELF THEME: Frustration

·        INNER AUTHORITY: Emotional - Solar Plexus

·        PROFILE: 1 / 4

·        DEFINITION: Split Definition

·        INCARNATION CROSS: Right Angle Cross of Eden (36/6 | 11/12)

·        NAME: Albert Einstein

·        BIRTH DATE (LOCAL): March 14, 1879, 11:30

Do you see yourself in any of these generators?  Are you wondering if you are a generator? If so, find more information at