Manifesting Generators and Growth Potential

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A common question asked by manifesting generators is, “Am I still a generator?”  The answer is yes.  You are a generator with a direct link from the throat center to a motor, the sacral center, root center, solar plexus or heart(ego/will) center.  You know you are a generator by the defined (colored) sacral center.  You just have more energy than then a pure generator and the potential for more growth.

Like the generator, you also need to wait to respond.  This will be the hardest thing for you to do and is extremely important and valuable for you to learn to do this so you can live your life joyfully and successfully.  Yes, because you are a Manifestor, you will want to leap into action and yes, that is important for you to do, but not until you have waited to respond.  Most Manifesting Generators, I know find this very frustrating at first, as you are in constant awareness of all that is around you, all that is being offered and just hearing someone say you have to wait to respond, feels unnatural.  Just remember you cannot plan your life in advance and to remember YOUR response mechanism.  Each of us will only have a fulfilling and successful life in we are following our strategy and authority.

Like all Generators, once we are living our strategy fully, we are awake and see the opportunities that are right for us, let the others go and no longer feel exhausted. For many, just because they still have energy, they ‘think’ they are correctly picking the right stimuli.  If you are ‘thinking’ most likely not.  It is the learning to tune in and listen to the body.  Yes, keep watching and observing everything going on, but it is your body that guides you to what is correct for you.  Learn to listen to that response mechanism in your gut, the one that will give you that uh-huh (yes) or unhunh (no) grunt type sound, and then you know you are using your sacral/gut and not your head/mind.  The asking of questions and listening is so important.  For so many of us, as children when we made those grunt or animal type sounds to respond to what we wanted, we were immediately told to stop and speak and so we have to relearn how to connect with our sacral response.

The joy of being of a Manifesting Generator is that once you have received the go ahead from your sacral, you are now able to act like a Manifestor.  Just keep in mind that if you go after something before waiting to respond, you are not in alignment with your strategy and very well may find yourself feeling frustrated, angry, exhausted or a combination of all three.  Waiting does not mean you are doing nothing, which is something I hear often.  Yes, you still go on with your life, you are just not controlling, deciding or responding, yet.  Once you have that response, then respond, just go for it, as the Manifestor in you so wants to do, whether you have all the plans or not.  Also remember, you are speedy and can miss aspects and fixing may or may not be important.  Many time, the project will be just fine the way you did it.  You have probably been this way your whole life, where you may have skipped parts of a book, lost interests in parts of your education or even sidestep aspects of your job.  This is all part of who you are.  Most manifesting generators would want to be careful with an occupation that requires detail, like a military pilot, a surgeon or any profession that has detail that has to be done in specific steps.

Also consider that there will be times you may just be unsure or feel stuck.  Check your gut, maybe you added a step that you didn’t wait to respond and now you are not in alignment and you are wasting energy.  Sometimes, you may respond with a yes, there may be a time you feel a bit uncertain, continue moving forward and check along the way to see if you are continuing to get the ‘yes’ response to be certain this is really what you are to be doing.  Going ahead, pushing forward and checking in are all part of ensuring you are moving in right direction.

Relationships are the same.  You will need to initiate with a Projector or Reflector, even though you are to wait first.  The Projector will spend their lifetime waiting for the invitation.  Every Projector loves being asked to go somewhere or meeting you for lunches or a cup of tea.  Once a Projector is invited it allows them to do what they are here to do. If you are with a projector encourage them to ask you yes or no questions so you are constantly checking in with your sacral.  Just remember, Projector’s will have no idea what this feels like.

All of this takes practice.  Unless you were taught this as a child it is buried and needs to be awakened.  Do your best each day to listen to your gut.  If it is your head, honor it, but do not let it be charge.  Stay alert to all that is coming to you.  Ask yourself lots of questions even as you move forward.  As a Manifesting Generator you will have so much to say yes or no to.  What a great gift that is.  Start using it today and then again tomorrow.  Have fun.

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Photo by Hưng Nguyễn on Unsplash