Live your Best Life, by Waiting to Respond

Photo by Evelyn Mostrom on Unsplash

Living with Sacral energy, which 70% of the population does is an amazing thing for Generators and Manifesting Generators.  The sacral energy provides Generators with the life force of humanity.  If everyone was living according to their design, Manifestors would get things started, Generators lend their energy to get everything accomplished, Projectors guide the process and Reflectors let us know how everyone is doing.

Just knowing how much of the population are generators, being able to educate each of you to find your type and learn all you can is important when you consider how much energy we all have that is not being utilized correctly.  Gaining an understanding of the power of the sacral energy, how it functions and being able to tap into it correctly is the key to fully living your life as a generator.

As a generator, when you look at your human design chart, you will see that your sacral center is defined/closed, which means you have Sacral Authority.  The sacral is home to your decision-making strategy, which is waiting to respond.

Yes, I can hear many of you know- What do you mean, Waiting?   I hear you, it is what I thought when I first heard it to.  My questions were numerous in my head, Why, do I have to wait? If I wait, I am going to miss this and miss that?  Who’s going to make things happen for me, if I don’t move ahead?  Oh, believe me, I had all sorts of thoughts around the idea of waiting. 

It was pretty obvious how out of alignment I was with my generator type and with any understanding of sacral authority.  Once I listened, and began to understand that generators, are advised to experiment with waiting to respond, instead of jumping into action.  One of the first things after hearing all of this was to sit and consider what waiting meant to me.  Words and phrases that popped into my head were, “I really do not like to wait”, to “waiting is boring”, to “waiting takes a lot of time, like in the checkout line at the store, during the holiday season.”  Those thoughts were all about current situations, one might be in.  It wasn’t like some of the other thinking I have been known to do around how I want something to happen or how I think something would happen.  Again, all coming from the mind.  For all of us, making decisions from the mind is not where our decision making comes from.  As a generator, it is the sacral center.

As so many generators have been conditioned to “Do this, Do that,” or “Make it happen,” or the slogan so many of us have heard numerous times, “Just do it.”  As we heard those phrases, they activate our mind and off we went, just getting stuff done, but often not enjoying much of it or finding ourselves exhausted.

If you are a generator, you are able to take life in moment by moment.  You have the potential to have a response to everything: the sound of a car, the smell of a baby, or the darkness of the evening sky.  It is all taking place, all the time, whether you are paying attention or not, which is why learning to listen to our sacral center and the sounds it makes is so helpful.

The sounds of the sacral center are mechanical. They are produced in the body through resonance between the thoracic diaphragm (lungs) and the pelvic diaphragm.  The sound vibrates between the two and for some they will say it is like a drum.  I have found it takes practice to relearn how to hear and use the sounds, because as children, our world wanted us to use words to communicate, and as we haven’t used those muscles they have atrophied.  The beautiful thing is, with practice you can awaken your ability to hear the sounds.  One of the ways, I have practiced is to have a friend as me random yes and no questions such as: Do you like the color blue? Do you like chocolate cake? Do you like snakes? I have found to really feel those answers as they are being asked and not think.  As I have done this, I have begun to hear the uh-uh and ut-uh to let me know “yes” or “no.”  Honoring those sounds without thought has become a gift.   The waiting of the sacral is about waiting to see clearly, what is best for you and then being ready to respond to what life is bringing to you, which as a generator will be a lot, as our world is full of opportunities for us to respond to.  Trust your body- and if you are a generator, your sacral center.  It really does have the answers.