Grief in Divorce is Natural

Grief is as natural as breathing. It is what each of us should experience when we suffer any loss. Any feeling you experience is right for you. Those feelings are normal and natural. Sadly, due to programming by our families, most institutions, and society, we are socialized to ignore or bury our feelings. Heck, for many, they believe their feelings are abnormal.

It can be argued that grief is the most powerful of all emotions and the most misunderstood and neglected. Grief brings up conflicting feelings caused by the loss one is experiencing. There may be a sense of relief in divorce once everything is laid out on the table, which feels good. At the same time, there may be fear about being alone for a long time. The conflicting feelings, freedom, and fear are a natural response to loss.

Before the divorce, your relationship had a sense of familiarity that included friendship, romance, family, social, and business roles. To grieve healthily, one needs to look deeply at all they are losing. Loss-of-trust is an area most overlook. For a moment, breathe and look at the areas that have caused you a loss of trust. It may be with your partner, a friend, a job, relationships, or even God. The loss of trust needs to be grieved and is a step many omit or skim over. Grief is about feeling broken hence the term a broken heart, not a broken brain. The feelings are important. It would help if you realy felt them not think or analyze your way through it. If you do, in the long run, it will be much harder to heal.

DivorceKaia Alline